HGK Asset Management announces corporate name change to Hudson Edge Investment Partners

About Hudson Edge Investment Partners

Hudson Edge Investment Partners was founded in 1983 by a group of investment professionals to bring institutional asset management to Taft-Hartley benefit plans. Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment officer, Michael Pendergast, was a founding member of the firm and has been managing the US Equity strategy since 1991. Over the last forty years, the firm has expanded to serve public funds and other institutions as well as individual investors through their financial intermediaries. In June of 2023, we changed our name from HGK Asset Management to Hudson Edge to reflect our evolution. Our new name honors the heritage of our past while reflecting who we are today.

In everything we do, we emphasize transparency, entrepreneurial thinking, and stewardship for our clients. We have always been completely independent and employee-owned. In 1996, we implemented an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) to share ownership across the firm. Every employee of Hudson Edge Investment Partners is a co-owner, working in partnership to deliver a high level of client service and satisfaction. Our collaborative and results-oriented work environment drive employee retention. Our average employee tenure is more than 15 years. Consistency, both in the application of our investment process as well as in our continuous drive to deliver class-leading client service, is at the heart of what we do. The vision for Hudson Edge is to be a steadfast partner for clients in creating value to meet long-term investment goals.

Investment Philosophy

We believe the path to generating excess returns is through investing in quality businesses where current valuations imply unrealistically depressed views of future profitability while incorporating a margin of safety. Hudson Edge Investment Partners define quality businesses as those that generate and sustain strong returns on their invested cash flows, possess a durable competitive advantage, and employ a capital allocation strategy that aligns with the principles of shareholder wealth creation.

Why Hudson Edge Investment Partners

  • Common sense approach to investing
  • Consistent process, consistently applied
  • Institutional knowledge navigating through varying cycles enables us to add value
  • Long term perspective relative to shorter tenured professionals and shorter term oriented investor sentiment
  • Results-driven culture where every employee is an owner

Core Principles

  • 100% Employee owned
  • Experienced investment professionals
  • Home-grown investment team
  • Analytical, idea-driven culture
  • Enduring client partnerships
  • Long term focus

Risk Management

  • By properly underwriting risk exposures, in both individual positions as well as the full portfolio, we ensure that we are taking only necessary risks to meet required returns.
  • Portfolios are reviewed by the Chief Risk Officer to look for any exposures that might be adding negatively skewed risk
  • Portfolios are optimized for downside protection while maintaining intended risk exposures