Core Plus Fixed Income

Hudson Edge Investment Partners’ fixed income investment process focuses on the active management of spread and credit risk in lieu of interest rate risk. By utilizing extensive credit research, economic models, security option-adjusted analysis, Hudson Edge Investment Partners are able to identify and capitalize on opportunities and pricing inefficiencies in the bond market.

Within the course of this active portfolio management, Hudson Edge Investment Partners employ balanced portfolio construction with exposure to all broad sectors (Treasury, Agency, Corporate, MBS, ABS) of the fixed income market as a means of reducing volatility of returns relative to portfolio benchmarks. Portfolio duration is maintained between 90% and 110% of the benchmark in order to limit the portion of relative performance tied to an interest rate forecast, leaving sector allocation and individual security selection as the primary drivers of relative performance. The Core Plus strategy can invest up to 15% of the portfolio in High Yield and Emerging Market bonds.

Meet the Core Plus Fixed Income Team

Eric Chung - Hudson Edge Investment Partners

Eric Chung

Portfolio Manager
Christopher Gerne - Hudson Edge Investment Partners

Christopher Gerne

Portfolio Manager

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