News & Research

Company news and research from our Value Points series written by our investment team.

Earnings Growth to Rotate to US Small Cap

Earnings Growth to Rotate to US Small Cap

A main driver of market returns over the past two years is now set to shift to US Small Cap ...
Small Cap Equity Opportunities and Risks in an Easing Cycle

Small Cap Equity Opportunities & Risks in an Easing Cycle

The Fed’s aggressive interest rate cut last week has led to an uptick in conversations about Small Cap investing ...
All-Stock Merger & Acquisition is back

All-stock M&A is back

Companies are using elevated stock prices to buy high-quality small caps for cheap ...
Core+ Enhanced Yield and Return Potential:

Why Core+ and Why Now?

The road to now. Core+ strategies have long been utilized by investors to not only diversify their risk, but augment ...
From Dot-Com Boom to AI Revolution: Parallels and Predictions

From Dot-Com Boom to AI Revolution: Parallels and Predictions

The internet’s explosive emergence in the late 1990s mirrored the current excitement surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
HGK Asset Management is now Hudson Edge Investment Partners

HGK Asset Management Is Now Hudson Edge Investment Partners

HGK Asset Management, a New Jersey-based asset manager, is pleased to announce a new name for the firm—Hudson Edge Investment ...
Hudson Edge Celebrates 40 Years

Hudson Edge Celebrates 40 Year Anniversary

We are proud to celebrate the past four decades and are grateful to everyone that been a part of this ...
Interest Rate Expectations - Expected Inflation Rate Article

Interest Rate Expectations

Misplaced duration positioning on the part of a few specific Regional Banks set off a mini crisis in the first ...
Quality in (and through) a Crisis - Good Investments During a Recession

Quality in (and through) a Crisis

The Timing and Magnitude of High and Low Quality Returns During Crisis Periods Tend to Follow a Familiar Pattern ...
Value Equity is a Big Tent - Article

Value Equity is a Big Tent

Increased manager dispersion within the Value space highlights the division in the subsets of Value ...
Thoughts on the Rapid and Persistent Beta Reversal

Thoughts on the Rapid and Persistent Beta Reversal

There are many measures of risk that investors rely on but few are as ubiquitous as beta ...
Earnings season takeaways for Investment Research

What has been the biggest earnings season takeaways from your calls with management teams this earnings season?

Earnings have always been about managing expectations and the most recent period has been no different ...